1. Admissons are usualy nold in March fur Nursery class, Quarten, selkin admis on of thir warts are reguired to fillin prescribed in
Obtained from the school office on the days mentioned.
2. At the time, of admission a candidate is required to produced the
ORIGINAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE issued from the Hospital / Malemi
Home as well as from the Muncipal Corporation + Adhaar Card.
3. The application form duly filled in and accompanied by the fir
Certificate and passport size 3 photograph should be presented befor
admission can be considered.
4. Admission to higher classes if any, will be considered only in Ap
after verifying the actual vacancies and after he candidate passe
the admission test with a high percentage.
5. A student coming from another school must bring his/her Transfer
Cerlificate and a Certified copy of the Report card/Scholar's register
at the time of admission
6. Students as a rule are subjected to the class to which admission
is sought. In no case shall the child be considered for a class
higher than the one stated in the Transfer Certificate. The
Principal has the right to say on what conditions he will admit a
student in the school.
7. Even in the case of late admission of a student, the fee from the
beginning of the first term shall be charged.
8. The very condlion of admission will be that parents / guardians"
comply strictly with the terms and rule.